
Merry Christmas

On the 3rd day of Christmas...

I updated the blog with a post! Merry Christmas, folks.

How was the 25th? The weekend? I hope it was full of love and merriment and peace. I've had a super delightful couple of days. My brother and his girlfriend came here to Minnesota, and my sweetheart did, too. So we all spent time at Mom's enjoying great conversation, board games, and fun. This was one of my very favorite holidays ever. So much love and peace and joy.

And I chance to wear ALL my Christmas brooches at once attached to my fox scarf....


Yesterday, I got to see the new movie Joy. Have you seen it yet?

I thought it looked pretty good based on the previews but didn't realize it was based on the life story of Joy Mangano from HSN! My beloved suitcase is a Joy Mangano product; I love it because it rolls in all directions!

I figured out that the movie Joy was actually about Joy Mangano when there were about 20 minutes left of the film. I already liked the movie, but then I liked it even more! It's inspiring and empowering. A little longer than is probably necessary, but I liked it and certainly recommend it.

Enjoy this 3rd day of Christmas and the week ahead!

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