

Fun news:
My seminary friends, Brahm and Sarah, came to visit last night! It was so fun to laugh and be silly.

Annoying news:
My spleen is still being insubordinate.
The platelets are down to 9,000 today.
I will be going over to my favorite place, the Infusion Therapy Center, in about 30 minutes.
I'll be getting another round of IVIG.

It will hopefully work for a week or two (or forever).

I feel good. I got a few bruises over the course of the last few hours on my legs, but other than that, I'm still fine. It's a little weird (and a smidge scary) to see how fast those bruises come! Odd.

I'll take some work and some reading material.
Plus, there are movies on demand!

How am I feeling today?
Well, I feel a mix of things.
I'm more tearful than I have been in the past, but that's probably normal.
Sometimes I wonder if there's supposed to some lesson in all this.
And if there is, I wish I could just learn it and be done.
I just really wish it could all be done.
I miss my platelets.
But more than that, I miss my health.

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