Photo by: shining niteroi
Yesterday I got to share and learn alongside a plethora of youngsters during the Children’s Sermon. We talked about music. There’s a verse in the biblical book of Ephesians (chapter 5, verse 19-20) that focuses on singing songs to God. So we talked together about music and making up songs and how much God loves the sound of each of their special, unique voices.
With music still on the brain, this morning I realized that there are a lot of hymns I don’t know. So I made the goal of taking a little time to look at a hymn each morning. So today I randomly encountered “O God of Light” (number 507 in the cranberry Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal). I skipped over to verse 3, and I am quite enamored of it:
“Undimmed by time, those words are still revealing
to sinful hearts your justice and your grace;
and questing spirits, longing for your healing,
see your compassion in the Savior’s face.”
Beautiful. I love hymns. Sometimes I forget how amazing they are. The writer of the text of this hymn is: Sarah Taylor. She lived from 1883-1954. What a perceptive lady. I love the idea of “questing spirits” – longing for God’s healing. Aren’t we all, aren’t we all?
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