I've been doing some blogging thinking. I hope you'll hang in there with me in the coming weeks and months. I'm working on finding my blogging voice. And my real-life voice, too.
Since the creation of this blog, I've been well-aware of the public nature of my job. I'm a pastor, and I know people from my "pastor life" can stumble upon my "blogging life" at any moment. With this in mind, I've been hesitant to make the blog very personal. Although, I did overshare when it came to platelets, and for that, I do apologize. Oh me, oh my - thanks for sticking with me during those seemingly endless entries about blood.
As I was doing my blogging thinking the last few weeks, I realized that my favorite blogs are the blogs that ARE personal. I don't necessarily like it when people overshare, but I do like it when people are genuine. I like when a person's blog is a real reflection of the person. I don't really love the blogs where people just go on and on about what they think they "should" be writing about. Similarly, I don't really love when I'm in real-life conversations with people who go on and on with what they think they "should" be talking about. I also struggle with how self-indulgent blogs can be. I struggle with how self-indulgent MY blog can be. I'm writing about myself; does that make me 100% selfish? I hope not. The truth is, I like memoirs. I like blogs. I like diaries. When I read them, it helps me remember that we're all in this together.
I suppose if some people think blogs are overly self-indulgent, maybe those people shouldn't read them, right?
So the plan is this: I'm going to continue along in my journey to an authentic life.
I'm not sure exactly what all this means for the blog. I am still a pastor. So there are probably still off-limits topics. But in the past, I've even been afraid to share my real opinions on current events and theology. Lately I've been a little more obvious about my opinions on certain topics. I hope this doesn't upset you. Instead, I hope it will invite a conversation. We don't have to agree all the time, right?
I figure, if you're making the effort to click over here and read this blog - I might as well be my real self. So I'll probably sing more, record more songs, and write more poems. I'll probably keep taking pictures. I imagine there will be more blabbering about fashion and style and my elderly friends. And, of course, there will be plenty of chatting about God. I love God. I also find God very mysterious. Very, very mysteroius. I'll probably continue to explore all that in this space.
Thank you. Thank you for helping me find my voice.
3 cheers for authenticity!
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way, I've always thought your blog was very authentic, so that's never been an issue for me. But I hear what you're saying. Be BOLD, lady!
ReplyDeleteFirst - the photo on this post is stunning!
Second - Like Rachel, I too think your blog has always been authentic, and hey your platelets are part of you so if you can't talk about them with us who can you? I've enjoyed the past paths of your blog and look forward to where the future takes you and in turn your blog. (especially since I often have the same musings about why I blog and can't wait to hear some of your thoughts).
Have you checked out RevGalBlogPals? Every time I get an update from them it makes me think of you and your blog.
ReplyDeleteThis struggle with finding a voice (have you seen the King's Speech?) keeps cropping up lately for me, too, especially as I'm working on my Approval Essay and considering taking the leap into Ordination. Knowing there are others who are public with their faith and ministry is a huge blessing!
Thanks for posting comments, ya'll. Truly. Blogging is a unique venture, isn't it? So glad to have a supportive community here.
ReplyDeleteHave you checked out RevGalBlogPals? Every time I get an update from them it makes me think of you and your blog.
ReplyDeleteThis struggle with finding a voice (have you seen the King's Speech?) keeps cropping up lately for me, too, especially as I'm working on my Approval Essay and considering taking the leap into Ordination. Knowing there are others who are public with their faith and ministry is a huge blessing!