
Longing for Sunshine & Summer

A few toys in the courtyard waiting patiently to be enjoyed.
I woke up today with dreams of summer. I know it's probably better to just appreciate the present season, but I always feel this deep desire for the intense heat of June-August. In fact, my very favorite temperature is right around 90 degrees. How about you? What is your favorite temperature & season? If you could spend all spring and summer eating and drinking that same thing - what would it be? I'd choose: tomatoes and iced tea!


  1. I'm a summer-lover and heat-lover, too. And I would spend every day this summer eating homemade pesto (I need to get my basil planted!) and drinking yummy, yummy margaritas.

  2. oh my gosh, i LOVE tomatoes!! just cut them and sprinkle a little salt, now we are talking!!

  3. 90 degrees is perfect for me too....I knew we were friends for a reason :o) I would drink lemonade and eat ice cream all summer long. I know...super healthy...but the ice cream part is totally true :o)

  4. 90 degrees is perfect for me too....I knew we were friends for a reason :o) I would drink lemonade and eat ice cream all summer long. I know...super healthy...but the ice cream part is totally true :o)

  5. oh my gosh, i LOVE tomatoes!! just cut them and sprinkle a little salt, now we are talking!!
