It has been a fantastic weekend so far.
I did a few Creative Everyday 2009 projects this evening while watching Saturday Night Live. It turns out that origami is really fun! While at the Korean market, I got some adorable tiny paper, and I've been doing some little origami projects. Here are some hearts and paperclips.
Also, my friend Yoojin gave me some wonderful and inspiring advice a few days ago. We were chatting, and I started describing a situation that was frustrating me. It happens to be one of those sorts of situations that can be accepted but not changed. She said in a firm yet friendly voice, "Stop thinking it!" Yoojin has the coolest Korean accent which makes everything she says that much more fabulous.
Inspired by Yoojin, I made a little "Stop Thinking It Box" and I plan to utilize it regularly. Whenever I am being consumed by something, I'm going to write it down and stick it in the box and "stop thinking it." I've heard of this idea before, but I've never really tried to implement it before.
Have a great evening and a wonderful Sunday. Tomorrow I'll start a new blog feature: Seeking on Sunday. Regardless of your specific 'religious' background or preference, I invite you to be thinking of a faith/spirituality-related question you've been pondering!
Until then, I hope you are finding ways to embrace the beauty and wonder that surrounds you!
I've been loving all your creative projects, Em! I had no idea you were so artsy! Good work!