

Thank you for all the "Holy Everything" support over the past 6 months. Over 500 copies have been sold!

I've heard from a few folks who are planning on giving copies to friends and family for the holidays. Thank you for that! Depending on your preferences, here are a few options:
  1. If you'd like a personalized/signed copy, please order from me directly for $18.25 ($15/book + $3.25/shipping+envelope). I'll send it to you or your preferred friend/family member through the mail: Contact me directly through email to select this option; you'll use this link for payment and then email me your preferred physical mailing address.
  2. Order through Amazon (where it's available in print and digital formats): Holy Everything
  3. Order through Barnes and Noble: Holy Everything
I've now created an accompanying study guide with 2-3 questions to go with every essay. Click here.

Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement!