

From The King Center archives
On Monday I learned about The King Center archives. It includes over 1,000,000 documents, notecards, sermons, speeches, and clippings related to the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I ended up stumbling across this particular notecard which defines "Freedom."
Freedom means having the power to transcend the chain of stimulus and response by deliberation and decision. This is present in man.
My theme word of 2018 is 'Free.' My hope is to come to a fuller understanding of what it means....and to live into my freedom every day. I tend to see barriers/worries/fears/concerns everywhere, and sometimes it blocks my sense of inner freedom...the awareness that every day is full of hundreds of little opportunities to make choices and be free. 

I also think of Jesus' words in John 8:32: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

What exactly did Jesus mean? I want to dive more deeply into that question in the year ahead. 

I am aided by MLK's definition. It ties into some of the things I learned last spring in Doug McGill's 6-week meditation course about awareness. 

As humans, we are free to transcend the chain of stimulus and response happening in our minds all the time. 

In many ways, we are perpetually free. Our freedom is only an awareness/thought away. 

I hope you have a sense of that freedom today. 

1 comment:

  1. Freedom is identifing yourself with your own reality instead of the point of view that changes with the consequences each decision.
