Autoimmune Affirmations 3 months old!
12 weeks of celebrating our bodies and making peace with our immune systems!
I am enjoying the process of creating these daily/every-other-day visuals of encouragement. Writing and designing them is definitely helping me reframe my relationship with my own body.
Another wonderful benefit of the project has been the way it has connected me with other folks from around the world! I am currently in a Beachbody Challenge Group with Kellie, and we initially connected through Autoimmune Affirmations.
Social media can be a fantastic bridge builder.
While I initially thought about Autoimmune Affirmations as a way to connect with other folks who have autoimmune conditions, it has developed into something more inclusive. The Instagram posts are really general and apply to basically everyone. Rest. Attitude. Self-love. Friendship. Joy. These are life themes for all people - regardless of autoimmune status. I hope you'll consider following along, and if you do, I hope the affirmations will provide a helpful daily pause in your routine.
Thanks for your ongoing support.