
A Random Assortment



I hope you've had a pleasant to semi-pleasant Tuesday. 
Mine was pleasant, overall.

The past day has been full of meaningful people moments. 
These moments are making my cup runneth over with love.
  • A walk with Allison. 
  • A vegetable hangout with Shelley and her kids.
  • A walk with Kaitlin. 
  • A dinner with Nood. 
  • Some awesome correspondence via snail mail from some of my homebound, senior pals.
  • And - a super special surprise - a visit from Larry and Colleen!

Colleen was one of my most influential teachers ever in middle and high school! She and Larry are such kind, compassionate people. I wrote an essay about Colleen somewhere along the way because her positive, encouraging attitude was such an inspiration and made such an impression on me. Also, their home was one of the first places I ever played guitar and sang outloud! I've been playing a bit here and there again lately but not too often. Seeing Colleen and Larry really inspired me to get back to writing and playing. 

They were returning from a trip to Europe and driving through Rochester - and they stopped up at Assisi to visit. I don't think I had seen them in person since 2001. It made me feel thankful and nostalgic. 

All these meaningful people moments have been encouraging, healing, safe spaces. A gift. Each day, I feel like I'm reconnecting more with my core identity. It feels good. 

I hope you're finding ways to nurture your core identity, too. I hope you're finding peace within. I hope you're sharing what needs to be shared and holding tight what doesn't. I hope you're feeling loved. I hope you're feeling love for yourself. I hope you know that no matter what you do or don't do - what you've done or haven't done - you're loved and you matter. Your ideas matter. Your story matters. 


  1. So glad that I could be one of your people moments :)

  2. So glad that I could be one of your people moments :)
