This morning I started a new online class called "The Freedom to Choose Something Different" taught by Pema Chodron. The platform is Udemy, and there are about 8 pre-recorded lectures. I got it on sale for $50, and so far, it is already worth every penny!
"In a new, eight-part video course, Pema Chödrön teaches how to transform and achieve liberation from your habits, addictions, and behaviors—guiding you step-by-step through the tools that can lead to inner freedom. “The Freedom to Choose Something Different” puts timeless teachings about working with emotional attachment and habitual responses into plain language, and the course’s structure allows you to engage in the material at your own pace."
The catalyst for taking the class: I am learning about myself that I have certain "mind habits" (that's what she calls them in lecture 1) that cause suffering. These are toxic patterns of thinking that are rooted in a lot of old stories I tell myself about my worth and purpose. I seem to keep doing the same mind habits over and over - and, not surprisingly, they keep leading to suffering over and over.
So I want to learn different mind habits and behaviors that are more life-giving.
Have you ever taken an online class? I'm also signed up for a free one on EdX called "American Government" which starts September 8. There's just a lot I don't understand/have forgotten about the political process, so I'm hopeful the class will be helpful!
( & will both lead you to this blog)
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