

I love creating acronyms. Especially acronyms that are confusing and don't spell anything specific.

Welcome to TFAHM!

I got a little idea in my noggin a few days ago, and decided today that it is most definitely "go time."

Half-marathon go time!

I registered today for the Mayo Clinic Healthy Human Half Marathon. It will take place on Sunday, August 24. 

Here's a link to the training program I will be using starting June 1. It's a 12-week plan. Between now and June 1, my goal is to consistently get 10,000 steps a day (I still use my FitBit) and boost up to running for 30 minutes straight. 

I've run a half-marathon one other time with my pals Joy and Jake. I was living in Chicago and 23-years-old. I didn't follow a training program very diligently but I did finish. This time, I plan to be more intentional about proper training, hydrating, eating, and sleeping. 

The idea for this first came to mind after I took the annual Mayo Clinic Health Assessment. It's an incentive/educational part of my insurance program. 

My results: very good overall health (other than the obscure blood disease) - but relatively high in stress and low in fruits/vegetables. I think that training for a half-marathon over the next four months will be a great way to implement long-term changes to my eating, sleeping, and exercising patterns.

As for the ol' platelet issue: there's no reason I can't still run a half-marathon. I currently take 2 or 3 of the Promacta pills each day, depending on whether I'm having any bruising or other symptoms. Over the last 4 years, I've gotten quite adept at monitoring for signs and issues. When I need to, I can always boost up the dose, and that seems to stabilize things. I doubt training for a marathon will cure me of ITP, but it shouldn't hurt anything. 

So it's full steam ahead. I'm excited! 13.1 miles. Here we go!

PS: Any training tips? 

PPS: Want to join the fun?

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