
Rochester Restaurant Copycat

I love eating at restaurants. Big time. It is SO FUN. (On the downside, it is often SO EXPENSIVE, too.)

Rochester has many delicious places to eat. If I had unlimited funds and figured out a legitimate way to justify massive restaurant spending as good personal stewardship, I'd definitely dine out on the daily. 

Alas, since I cannot eat all meals outside of my home, I've decided to try and replicate my favorite Rochester meals INSIDE my home. New blog feature: Rochester Restaurant Copycat! (I'm still working on the banner for this feature; I hope hearts and flowers can tide you over until that happens). 

Exhibit one: Brussels Sprouts (Sontes-style)

Sontes = fancy. Summary of a Sontes experience: Small portions of immaculate, flavorful foods best served when shared with a group. Ambiance = lovely. The architecture and walls covered with the work of local artists are my favorite features. 

They also have very tasty Brussels sprouts! They are made with maple syrup. 

This afternoon, upon returning home from a meeting and getting my hair colored "ombre" style, I thought: "I MUST MAKE BRUSSELS SPROUTS STAT!"

-One bag of microwaveable Brussels sprouts from Trader Joes
-1/4 cup maple syrup (I used some I got from a church member last spring)
-1 tablespoon olive oil
-1/8 tsp red pepper flakes
-salt to taste

-Preheat oven to 400 degrees
-Chop your Brussels into strips & set in a mixing bowl
-In a separate bowl: mix maple syrup, olive oil, and red pepper flakes together
-Pour mixture over Brussels and evenly coat them
-Spread out the brussels over a baking sheet in a single layer
-Put into the oven for 30 minutes (at the halfway mark, pull the pan out and turn the Brussels over)

Ta-da! You did it! Sontes-style Brussels Sprouts. 

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