
Movie Recommendation

I have a documentary recommendation for you! It's called: 20 Feet from Stardom

The film uplifts the stories of a variety of back-up singers over the course of the last 50 years. As a viewer, you get an amazing inside glimpse into the highs and lows of the music business. I really liked it. It was the recipient of the 2014 Academy Award for best documentary. It's currently streaming on Netflix.

I also watched Gravity over the weekend. Stunning visuals. Absolutely. But I didn't "love" the plot or the dialogue.

My brother showed me the Honest Movie Trailer for Gravity. Have you seen any Honest Movie Trailers?  They are hilarious (but also offensive...if you watch, please remember I did warn you.)
A few of my other favorite Honest Movie Trailers include...

Any movies you'd like to recommend? I'd love to hear them!
And now, a few snaps from last night's walk...


  1. I bought the DVD of "Gravity" while in Florida. Great special effects/action, had me on the edge of my seat for the duration, but this movie stressed me out. I'd rather feel uplifted, de-stressed, and happy with a couple good take-away points after watching a movie. One of my buddies and his wife saw "Heaven Is for Real" and liked it. I'm skeptical of movie's like this, and noticed there are several negative/concerned reviews out.

    1. Thanks for the comment, Pete. I didn't really like the book "Heaven is for Real" - so I doubt I'd be a fan of the movie. I do think it provides interesting food for thought - but I am leery of any movie or book that claims to know anything for certain about the afterlife.

  2. My wife and I both thought very highly of "Saving Mr. Banks", and a little longer ago, "The Words".

    1. Thanks for the recommendations, Paul. I have wanted to see Saving Mr. Banks! And I'll add "The Words" to my list, too.
