

On the drive home from work tonight, I was brainstorming ways to dive more deeply into Holy Week this year. I suppose this was inspired by the fact that I'm experiencing Holy Week through a new lens in 2014.

I'm not preparing any sermons for Maundy Thursday or Good Friday. I'm not working on a reflection for the Community Good Friday service. I'm not practicing the Kyrie or strategizing possible Easter morning Children's Sermons.

Instead, I'm working on Synod Assembly materials during the day, proofreading newsletter articles before dinner, and then spending the evenings writing blog posts, newspaper columns, and watching Mad Men. It's still Holy Week. It's still sacred, mysterious, beautiful Holy Week. It's just Holy Week from a different angle. A glorious, curious angle.

It's like I'm meeting Holy Week for the first time.

I realized tonight that every year provides us the opportunity to meet Holy Week again - as if for the first time.

Will you join me for a project this week? Will you journey with me for #meetholyweek?

The idea is this: we'll all do some extra noticing in the days ahead. What do you notice in the moments of Holy Week?

Take pictures. Share tweets and Facebook posts. Hashtag everything with #meetholyweek.

Your photos and reflections don't need to be particularly religious - although they can be. Please document the real moments of your real Holy Week experience.

Photos of what you're reading. Photos of the stack of books that fill your desk while you write sermons. Photos of the people on the bus on the way to work.

It would be really neat to be able to search through a whole host of #meetholyweek reflections and images. Across regions and denominations. Across vocations and schedules.

Please join me. Spread the word.

1 comment:

  1. Emily, I would like to try this. I'm not sure how to post pictures . I'm not sure what to write either. But I think this is a project that will be exciting to try.
