
Wigging out and randoms

Not too long ago, I had the most enjoyable time doing a photo shoot for Rochester Magazine. Wig. Make-up. Cute clothes. Awesome people. It was a blast. I wrote about it here. 

I loved wearing a wig that day because it felt like I got the chance to put on a new personality. Actually, I still felt like myself...just a little more sassy!

So I found a good deal online and ordered one. I'm hoping to wear it on weekends and vacations - or at least every now and then. Or perhaps around my house for solo dance parties. 

I've been trying to grow my actual hair out for the last few years because I want it to get long enough to try this interesting color technique (which will most likely be out of style by the time it gets long enough). Anyway, I really don't want to cut it at this point. In the meantime, whenever I get the urge to hack my hair off or cut bangs, I'll just grab this new accessory!

Alright. Enough hair talk. :) Thanks for sticking with me through that. 

Today's post is filled with random updates and highlights of the past week. 

#1: Costco. Are you a member? I visited over the weekend with my mom. There was a special for Mayo employees and their families. They could shop at the store without an official membership.

There were so many large quantities of amazing things like Pop-tarts, seaweed, and guacamole. Mom and I got the giggles throughout the store. I'm not sure why. Basically I just find large quantities of items inside gigantic containers to be hilarious.

I found the MOST DELICIOUS hummus and a few other items including #verygood Braeburn apples. I purchased enough garbage bags to last for the next 3-4 years. Definitely considering purchasing a membership. Plus my awesome friend Renae works there! What are your favorite Costco items?

2. I also found a tiny house at Costco. It's actually a chicken coop. 

3. Councils as Leaders was an awesome synod event held at Zumbro Lutheran church over the weekend. It was really neat to serve in a new capacity for the event....taking pictures, asking questions, and then figuring out how to communicate the highlights to the broader synod. 

4. Assisi Heights is an outstanding beautiful, peaceful place. I take photos every day!

5. I received the following prayer in a very thoughtful, wonderful email last week. I hope you'll find it encouraging, too. 
Saint Theresa's Prayer
May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be confident knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.

1 comment:

  1. Thought about a #50 bag of sugar I saw at Sam's, once. With all the candy making I do, I think I'd have it emptied by now!
