
My First Day

The journey begins. Communications Director for the Southeastern Minnesota Synod. Brand new territory for me. Day #1 started things off right. Extremely helpful co-workers. Learning how to use a Mac. Yummy lunch. And new office supplies. (These are a few of my favorite things). 

Let's be honest....the learning curve is quite steep and will be for the next several months. Much to discover and learn. I have lists and lists of things to make sense of.

But my overarching emotions: peace, excitement, and hope. It's genuinely fun to learn new things and meet new people. (Of course, that being said, I miss the Zion crew every day and am sure I will for forever; they are amazing folks.)

A prayer for those experiencing a transition of any kind:

Lord, in the midst of everything new and uncertain, guide my steps. Fill my heart with the promise of your presence. Where there might be anxiety, give me confidence. Where there might be fear, give me peace. You are near in every season. Remind me of this truth today and always. Amen. 

A few highlights of this first day: 

Peeking through the shades by my pillow to see a gorgeous sunrise.

Brooching it up in my navy suit.

Using my beloved travel mug and uncovering the mysterious world of Mac/Apple.

Such a gorgeous, historic place to serve and work!


  1. That prayer is what a farmer can say every morning!

    1. So true, Ole! You really have to be rooted in trust and faith. :)

  2. Best wishes on your new Adventure Emily! Can't wait to hear all the details! (From Renae)
