
Special Treasures

Special Treasures = a semi-regular blog feature focused around a random assortment of current life highlights. As a brief aside..."treasure" is likely the word I overuse the most (in addition to "love"). But actually, I am comfortable with my overuse of "treasure." It's a delightful word. Try to use it today.

Treasure #1: New glasses from America's Best! Two pairs for $64 - everything included!

Treasure #2: I apparently retained very little from Western Civ 1 or 2. So it's time to review everything. Everything in the entire world that ever happened. So far, so good. Making progress. Maybe this time, more will stick.

Treasure #3: A Christmas gift from Anna! I love it! Each day there is a different prompt to reflect on - and the journal lasts 5 years. Such a neat idea for a journal.

Treasure #4: My happy lamp! I use it every morning for 10-15 minutes, and this routine has continued for the last couple months. I like the lamp. I think it might be helping me sleep better at night, and I definitely think it helps wake me up in the morning. I did quite a bit of research before buying this one. If you'd like more info, leave a comment.

Treasure #5: I am really enjoying the Ballet Beautiful workout series. I had originally learned about Mary Helen Bowers, the instructor, through this post that was floating around the web. The more I learned about her, the more I wanted to support her work! Each DVD is about 60 minutes long. The most recent two DVDs are broken into 15-minute segments, which I find very convenient. The workouts are REALLY (REALLY!!) hard. But also somewhat relaxing and fun. Who doesn't want to feel like a ballerina now and then? You can follow Mary on Instagram, too.

Question of the Day: I'd love to hear what you are treasuring this week! Any special food items you are enjoying? A book? A random sweater? Leave a comment and share your treasure. 


  1. That Q & A a day journal is awesome! I added it to my wishlist. My treasure this week was finding a big box of Belvita Breakfast Biscuits at Costco in the flavor I enjoy most, brown sugar and cinnamon!

    1. :) Love your treasure, Becky! I have never tried the biscuits. Yum! You'd love the Q & A journal!

  2. My current treasure...feeding the winter backyard birds. really enjoying seeing them and helping them through these cold snaps. -Carol

    1. Very thoughtful, Carol! :) I am sure those birdies are so thankful.

  3. Carol, the same here. Had a steady stream of downy woodpeckers at my suet bag. Goldfinches, too!
