I find Confirmation to be spectacularly rewarding and enjoyable. It's the best 75-minutes of most weeks. I get to work with our 7th and 8th graders this year. We begin with large group time and then small group.
This year our focus is on the New Testament. So far we've learned about the birth of Jesus, his baptism and temptation in the wilderness, and his teachings and miracles. Last night we explored the 13th chapter of John together.
Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. Their dirty, grimy feet. He washes them all. And then tells them to do the same for others. After that, Jesus says, "Love one another." He tells them everyone else will know they are his followers by the way they love each other.
On Thursdays, I send an email to all the parents about what we discussed in Confirmation the previous night. I thought it might be fun to share with you, too. In addition to an overview of the content, I give parents a few possible questions they could ask their kids as a way to engage in meaningful conversation and stay connected. I hope you'll find these questions to be worth considering as well.
I encourage you to take a couple minutes and read John 13. What are your questions? What did you find meaningful? What do you think it means for life today?
Here are a few questions I encouraged the parents to ask their kids:
-Why did Jesus wash the feet of his disciples?
-How did the disciples react?
-What are ways you can love others at school/work?
-What are ways we can show love to one another here at home?
I find this chapter of scripture to be so meaningful. Usually I only get to read it on Maundy Thursday. It was neat to have an opportunity to explore it with junior high folks in November.
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