
Roasted Fennel with Beets and Onions

Fennel is new to my life this summer. I've found it a few times in my weekly CSA box. For cleaning and cutting directions, click here and watch this quick Youtube video (It's only a minute long and it will teach you everything you need to know.)

Another way to try fennel might be to visit your local farmer's market and pick some up!  Or grow it yourself next year.  My first experience with fennel was so-so.  I prepared it in a weird way when I was trying to avoid cheese and oil.

This time, I did it up right!  IT WAS SO GOOD!  So, so good.  Roasting veggies with olive oil is the bomb. Agree? Beets are great roasted, too. I roast them with the skin on and then after roasting, it peels right off. Delicious.

-Fennel bulbs
-1 yellow onion
-Parmesan cheese
-Olive oil

This recipe is truly delicious. The mild sweetness of the onion makes all the difference. I chopped up all the veggies, coated them with olive oil, put them on a baking sheet, added some Parmesan, and baked for an hour at 380 degrees.  Be sure to cover the veggies with aluminum foil for the first 40 minutes. Then remove the foil for the last 20 minutes so everything will get crunchy and brown.

PS: I went to the chiropractor for the first time ever on Thursday. AMAZING. I went because of my ongoing headaches. They've gotten worse over the last couple years. 

The adjustment was incredible. It took just a few minutes and I literally felt immediate relief. And the big lumps at the base of my head aren't there anymore. I think I'm really a chiropractic believer now! I'm hoping I will wake up tomorrow headache-free.

Your turn. I have two questions for you today.

#1: What's your favorite vegetable to roast.

#2: Have you ever been to the chiropractor? 


  1. Never been to a chiropractor, but have friends who swear by it...and friends who ARE chiropractors. I just may try it some time. Glad you've gotten some relief. I literally have never eaten a cooked beet; raw in slaw, yes. I will definitely try this recipe. Love your food photography! A beautiful plate makes a huge difference, eh?

    1. Thanks so much for the nice comment, Carol. I ended up going to the chiro for the follow-up and it didn't go so well! I am in pain today. So I think I will hold off on any future appointments. Hope you're having a good weekend!

  2. I have been to a chiropractor, but I've never felt much different for it. The best roasted vegetable for me is the carrot. It's like candy!

    1. Caron - yes, I have now gone twice and the second appointment was not so great. I will hold off on any future appointments.

      Roasted carrots are so so so good! I haven't done that for awhile. Thanks for the idea!
