
A 24-Hour Adventure

I LOVE 24-hour adventures.
My mom and I took one to Roseville/Minneapolis/St. Paul!

One big highlight was a stop today at the Science Museum of Minnesota.
We saw the Body Works exhibit {very interesting} as well as a documentary about tornadoes in the museum's Omnitheater.  Guess what?  IMAX style movies with surround screen make me totally nauseated!  Who knew?  Nevertheless, it was quite thrilling.

In addition to the special exhibit and the movie, we also toured around the rest of the museum and ate lunch.    

I got a photo with one of my favorite animals!
I have seen them in the ocean before, and they are so prehistoric looking.
They haven't changed for millions and millions of years.
My 3 favorite animals include: squirrel, pheasant, and horseshoe crab.
Hmmmm.  I wonder what you can tell about a person by their favorite animals?  :)  

Here's my adorable mother with a bear!

Lunch break at the Elements Cafe.  I highly recommend both the pudding cup and the chili!

YIKES!  Who knew these mussels were such pests?!?!?

So cute!  Horseshoe crab innards!

These guys were singing special songs for Earth Day!

A tiny dino head!


  1. Had to laugh at the IMAX comment... I've avoided those like the plague ever since I experienced the stomach-turning surround-sound-and-screen experience that was "Star Tours" as an 11-year-old. Ugh. But horseshoe crabs are amazing!

  2. At Disneyland. I forgot that part, West Coastie that I am.

    1. :) :) Hilarious, Laura! Glad to know I'm not the only one who gets nauseated in Imax theaters.
