Welcome to a Labor Day Monday.
For some reason, I have always associated Labor Day with trees.
I think there is wrong wire in my brain that has accidentally connected Labor Day to Arbor Day.
Here's a great Labor Day prayer for today written by Paul Raushenbush and shared at Beliefnet.
Here's a great Labor Day prayer for today written by Paul Raushenbush and shared at Beliefnet.
You made the heavens and the earth and your work was good and we praise you. May we continue your good work through our own labor – helping to create your kingdom on earth as in heaven. We pray on this Labor Day for all those who work. Whether in the school, the factory, the mines, the armed services, the business office, government or on the farm may all workers carry themselves with honor, know the respect of their managers, be kept safe from harm, and be well paid for hard work so that they might provide for their family and loved ones.
God help us not to pit workers of one nation against those of another nation so that one must suffer if another thrives. Rather help us to create work in concert so that workers of all nations might mutually prosper with decent wages for decent work.
Today we also pray for those who are unemployed or underemployed. May they not become discouraged; may they continue to find ways to learn and grow in their time out of work. Help us as a nation to continue to provide for those who are suffering from unemployment so that they do not lose hearth and home. May those out of work experience tangible evidence of our support and may meaningful work come quickly.
May all the labors of our lives benefit your creation so that we might be co-creators of your world filled with peace and enough for all. Amen
Here are a few Music Monday songs for your weekly soundtrack, and they all have "work" in the title.
Working for the Weekend by Loverboy
This Woman's Work by Maxwell (a great cover version)
This Woman's Work by Kate Bush (the original version)
This Woman's Work by Kate Bush (the original version)
We Can Work it Out by The Beatles
Bonus Song: Labor Day by John Patitucci
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