
Thankful Thursday


My Gratitude List:

-Deer in my yard: artificial and real
-Concerts with Ms. A
-Nail polish
-Lenten worship
-Reese's EGGS!
-Writing and singing
-Tomorrow's "paper" pictures for Word of the Week
-Nature pictures
-Happy news
-Thoughtful gifts from thoughtful people
(especially a set of vintage dishes and an awesome watch!)
-A great dinner at my favorite Rochester restaurant, CHESTER'S
(with my favorite food there: Banana Cream Pie)


  1. Having a good cry on my Mom's shoulder.

    A visit from my Mom and Dad.

    Walking Martha to her bus stop.

    A Monday full of so many of my favorite people gathering for food and drink.

    Throwing batting practice to Jack and Martha on a warm Wednesday.

    A visit to the Minneapolis Institute of Art.

  2. I'm so thankful for:

    - Our Creator who loves me and for the awareness of that love.

    - My children who inspire and encourage me every day.

    - A new career opportunity! So very thankful!

    - Warm, sunny skies.

    - Capris and flip flops in March.
