
Diaries of a Pastoral Fashionista

pastoral fashionista

Dearest fashionistos and fashionistas,
I'm sorry for neglecting the fashion component of this blog lately! To remedy that situation, today is all about fashion. And our main topic: the blazer.

As defined on dictionary.com, a blazer is a:

1. something that blazes or shines brightly.

2. a sports jacket, usually a solid color or striped, having metal buttons and sometimes an insignia on the breast pocket, as one worn by a member of a club, school, or the like.

3. a small cooking apparatus using as its source of heat a spirit lamp, hot coals, etc., used especially for preparing food at the table or outdoors.

I think we should focus on definition #2 for today's purposes.

Blazers are great and versatile.
I wore the same blazer twice this week. Once for work. And once for fun. By "for fun" I mean while I ran around doing errands. :)

My primary rule with blazers is similar to rules for pants and skirts and blouses. It needs to fit! Get a fitted blazer! And don't feel the need to buy a new one. Borrow from a friend or go to Goodwill. Goodwill has TONS of blazers. Just try them on and find one that you like. If you love it after a few weeks and want a new one - then you'll have a good idea of what to invest in.

Blazer 2

(I have a rule: No leggings to work because I know they make me look like I'm 17. But I still like to wear them on my day off from time to time! Do you have any leggings rules?)

Have a great weekend.

Wear a blazer!
Or sweatpants!
Or a t-shirt.
Or heels!
Or a clerical collar!


  1. outfit #2 is adorable. and I mean that in a totally not-17-years-old way. the blazer offsets the trendiness of the leggings.

  2. I love both outfits!! My leggings rule is to never wear them as pants ;-) Except maybe for yoga class...
