
Cookin' It Up & A Song

Cookin it

I'm on an egg kick these days.


I also love whole wheat tortillas.


And, of course, I sure adore kitchen gadgets.

Combine 1 egg, 1 tortilla, and 1 kitchen gadget - and you'll have today's "Cookin' It Up" post!

I invented it a few days ago. I named it yum-yum. But then I realized that I already included yum yum in the name of my last invention. Therefore, this egg invention is not yet named. Suggestions?

I'm sure you can find a way to make it even if you don't have a GT express or a sandwich maker.
I think you could make it over the stove if you used a lid to cover it while it cooked so the egg would get firm. Here are the steps......

Step 1: Tear a large whole wheat tortilla into halves or quarters (depending on whether you are medium hungry or small hungry).


Step 2: Put the tortilla into your chosen kitchen gadget and crack an egg on top.


Step 3: Sprinkle salt and pepper.

Step 4: Cook (about 7 minutes).

Step 5: Put your hot rollers in your hair (that may not apply to everyone).

Step 6: Leave the rollers in for 5 minutes (again, not everyone included here).

Step 7: Realize it's time to go. Quickly take out your hot rollers. Grab your yummy breakfast from the GT Express. Unplug your kitchen gadget. Grab your Diet Mountain Dew. Go to work!



(based mostly on Psalm 42 & 46 & the meaning of Immanuel):
Written for those going through especially challenging times

My tears have been my food these days (this line is right from Psalm 42! Who knew!?!),
And these waters roar and foam.
The mountains are quaking under my feet,
and I long to come back home.

God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore, we will not fear,
though the earth gives way under our feet.
God is with us.
God is with us.
So we can be still.
So we can be still.
And know that God is God....still.
Yes, God is God....still.


  1. I suggest calling it the TORTEGGA!!!
    Maybe try some salsa with it too!
    Beautiful song, Emily. :)

  2. Tortegga! Great idea!


    Thanks for the comment.

  3. Beautiful. "My tears have been my food these days". Love that line.
