
Hospital Visit Fun

Hey - it has been awhile since I blabbered on and on about the hospital, huh?


Today I got to spend a lot of time there!
First I had my appointment with Dr. Hook.
Then, an evening at the Infusion Therapy Center.

Bottom Line: Those 8 rounds of Rituxan were not successful.

So onward and upward to the next plan.

I will now have an IVIG treatment every 3-4 weeks and blood tests every two weeks. My diagnosis is now Chronic ITP. It becomes Chronic ITP if a person still has it after 6 months. Oh well. Dr. Hook said that I can live a pretty normal life. I'll continue to be careful and especially aware of bruises and bleeding. Weeks 1 and 2 after IVIG will be very normal weeks with a higher platelet count - weeks 3 and 4 after IVIG will probably reveal more symptoms. I can continue with this plan for as long as IVIG keeps working - even for many years.

I had IVIG today and it went just fine.

This all totally stinks.
And it is not my idea of fun.

But, I've always aspired to write a funny, heart-warming memoir someday, and now I'll have plenty of material for my chapter on the importance of the often-underrated platelets.

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