
Smile, it's Happiness Month.

Earlier this week I read Gretchen Rubin's book "The Happiness Project." Have you heard of it? The book is quite good. It's the true story of a lady who wants to figure out it is possible to make herself more happy. She is a mother of two and a wife and a writer.

Gretchen goes into the endeavor a happy woman, but also a person plagued with the usual culprits: guilt, regret, bitterness, sarcasm, anger, and the like. Each month of her happiness year, she takes on different projects and resolutions to increase her happiness. If you've read the book, it would be wonderful to hear your thoughts!

Since a new month is beginning, I'm going to start a one-month mini Happiness Project. One month to focus on new ways to increase daily happiness. Would you like to join me?

Happiness Project

I'm going to determine my specific happiness resolutions later today, but in the meantime, here's a bird video to make you smile. I saw these cuties at a local bird sanctuary.

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