
5 Minutes


Reverb 10 Daily Prompt - December 15 – 5 Minutes: Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010. (Author: Patti Digh)

The day my first seed sprouted and I danced around the house for hours.
Eating a garden fresh salad for the first time.
Every moment of the New Mexico trip, especially the sunsets.
My friend, Liz, meeting me at the ER and sitting with me in July.
Great phone chats with my brother.
Sharing many holy moments with people from church before they died.
The infinite sound of the ocean.
Driving to Chicago in the middle of the night.
Leaf collecting.
Shell collecting with my mom - especially finding the treasured keyhole limpit (a kind of shell).
Celebrating my 27th birthday with the Vacation Bible School kids.
The day I presided at my first wedding.
The wonderful feeling of getting emails from family and friends.
The immense JOY of receiving snail mail.
Getting a surprise infomercial treasure in the mail from my dad.
Falling in love or something like it.
Laughing and eating with my friend Glen in Minneapolis before he passed away.

Hey - you should really do this exercise! It's fun. 5 minutes. Do it!


  1. Wow. so nice. I could have some similar ones...

  2. Wow. so nice. I could have some similar ones...
