Hey guys and gals,
Thanks for reading my bloggy.
Really. Thank you.
Today I had a blood test and I met with my NEW doctor.
Dr. Hook.
He talked to me for 75 minutes! Isn't that so cool?
He was 100% helpful and supportive. Truly an answer to prayer. He's one of the top Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura experts in the world! He showed me a very informative power point all about ITP that he uses with his medical students. I feel like I have a much clearer understanding of what's happening in my bloodstream.
He also shared a helpful (although not-so-fun) statistic. Only about 10% of people have a permanent remission of ITP. The other 90% of people have periods of being in remission and periods of treating the disease. I'm still hopeful that I'll be in the 10% that has a permanent remission at some point, but I'm also coming to terms with the reality that I just might have to adapt to a "new normal." I'm really glad Dr. Hook told me the clear statistical truths. It helps me make more informed decisions.
My platelets went up a bit from the IVIG on Monday, but they aren't up all that much. So starting tomorrow, the new plan begins. I will be taking a drug called Rituxan. I will be in the Infusion Therapy Center from about 11:30am-7:30pm (what a great opportunity to practice Sunday's sermon, right?). :) Rituxan is given through an IV. One 7-hour treatment a week for four weeks. And the results could last for up to a year. It will take a few weeks to start working.
It is a chemotherapy drug - but don't worry. Initially that word really freaked me out! But, chemotherapy actually just means chemical therapy. And it is used often to treat chronic leukemia and some kind of lymphoma. The side effects are minimal - less severe than the side effects of high-dose steroids.
My goal was to bypass all drugs and surgeries. I prayed for a miracle. I hoped that all my alternative approaches would work.
Today I am realizing that miracles come in a variety of forms.
Form #1 - A new doctor who really listens and explains in detail.
Form #2 - The invention of a drug that has the potential to give me a fairly normal life for the next year and maybe longer.
Form #3 - A lot of supportive, caring family and friends.
Form #4 - Living within 20 minutes of the Infusion Therapy Center.
Oh, Buddy, you are so strong. Even if you're just trying really hard to sound like it. You are. My heart and prayers go out to you. And I'm thankful for your revised version of miracles.
Oh, Buddy, you are so strong. Even if you're just trying really hard to sound like it. You are. My heart and prayers go out to you. And I'm thankful for your revised version of miracles.