
A Truly Interesting Person & A Giveaway

This week's super talented, delightfully creative "Interesting Person" is Violette Clark.  Thank you for a splendid interview, Violette! As a HUGE bonus, Violette has offered two giveaways for readers of this blog!  Check out the end of the interview for additional details; all you need to do is post a comment at the end of this entry and you'll be entered.  Two winners will be randomly chosen on Monday.  Also, for all you Iowans - check out Violette's final answer regarding her favorite movie!  I'll give you a hint: Dyersville.  I'll give you another: Kevin Costner.

My name is Violette Clark, I'm 55 years old. I live in beautiful White Rock, B.C. Canada (right on the water). I'm a mixed media artist and author and I live in a purple magic cottage. I facilitate workshops for women and teens on art journaling, graffiti purse painting, book making etc. I'm the author of the book Journal Bliss: Creative Prompts to Unleash your Inner Eccentric. (Click here for her blog).

1. Where do you feel most comfortable?

I feel most comfortable when I am creating in my home or in the backyard studio. I usually create alone. I am also comfortable walking out in nature - far from the maddening crowd! I'm a pretty sensitive person and need quite a bit of solitude in order to create and be happy. Having said that I also really enjoy spending quiet time with my boyfriend Graham. He's building two kayaks so I'm looking forward to getting out on the kayaks soon!

2. Describe your average day in one word.


3. Who are the people who most inspire you?

Well I guess I have been most inspired by the author and artist named Sark. She is the person who first gave me permission to be myself years ago. She taught me that it's totally okay to live outside the box, to colour outside the lines and to embrace who you are. My grown children also inspire me and my partner Graham who I affectionately call Mr. G on my blog inspires me and keeps me grounded. Joseph Campbell the author of the Power of Myth is also a big inspiration - in fact my favourite quote "Follow your Bliss" comes from Joseph Campbell.

4. What do you love about your work?

I love being able to create and to inspire others to be creative and to live outside the box. I love that when I get out of my own way that the divine can move right through me - it's as if unseen hands are guiding me, letting me know which colours to put down, which words to use and which techniques are best suited for my project. When I step out of the way that's when the magic happens. Another thing I love is inspiring people on an almost daily basis (5 days a week) on my blog about living the creative life and embracing who you are. It makes me feel like I'm on the right track when I receive e-mails from people all over the world telling me that they've been inspired, motivated or learned to accept who they are by reading my blog, hearing an interview or reading my book. I love embracing (well not always since it's a huge learning curve) different technologies such as video to reach more and more peope with my message of hope, joy and inspiration!

5. What is your most beloved hobby?

I suppose my hobby is my work as well - making art. Another hobby of mine is kayaking - being out in nature where it is so quiet and peaceful. I simply adore being in nature.......I need to get out there more and not be so tied to the computer! One of the not so fun parts of being a self-employed artist is marketing so there is quite a bit of online work to be done, social networking, answering e-mails etc. No one will know you are out there if you don't have an online presence.

6. What are you reading?

I am reading a lovely book called The Inspired Gardener by Sydney Banks - It's about the wisdom of an ordinary person - uttering simple truths. I am loving it! It's a story of hope - a reminder to focus on the present moment and that we have the answers within us.

7. What is the best advice you've ever received?

The best advice that i have received is to "Follow your Bliss" - you can't be happy if you follow someone else's perscription for happiness. You are a unique person with different desires. When I finally did decide to follow my bliss my life opened up in the most miraculous ways! I painted my house purple, made a giant dragonfly for the front (you can see the video here http://www.youtube.com/user/creativeboho#p/u/12/l-7Yf0P7aRE ) painted the interior of the house an array of joyful colours. I attracted the attention of a few TV shows Weird Homes being one of them.......that led to other shows. As a result my art expanded too, it became more colourful and joyful. And of course the internet opened things up for me to - helping me to share my joy and vision with thousands of people. You see??? All of that from simply following my bliss!

8. What movie or television show do you think everyone should be required to watch?

Well I really enjoy "Field of Dreams" - if you build it they will come. If you have a dream then you need to step towards it, do something concrete to make it real and to make it happen. And of course you need to BELIEVE that it can and it will come true! I also love the old movie "Harold and Maude" because it's all about embracing who you are - quirks and all.....such a lovely timeless classic!

Here are the two prints that Violette is offering to readers of "Life Breathing"!  Fantastic!  Please leave a comment if you'd like to be entered in the drawing.  

Have a beautiful, life-giving day!


  1. Thanks for the inspirational interview!

  2. Violet, I love that you mention coloring outside the lines. Taking it very literally, I have a two year old who is really getting into coloring lately, and when she asks me to color with her I struggle with whether I should color inside the lines or outside them. It sounds silly, but as her mommy and roll model I don't want to restrict her creativity already by showing her how "grown-ups" color.

  3. I want to live in a magic purple cottage.

  4. Sweet! I love the second painting!

  5. I just recently discovered Violette myself and I must say, her creativity, which she shares so freely on her blog, has really inspired me to continue on a new-to-me path of creativity I have recently discovered. Or is that REdiscovered? Thank you for the sweet interview. Sark and Joseph Campbell are two of my inspirations as well.

  6. Enjoyable interview, thanks for sharing! I love Violette's book "Journal Bliss" there are great tips for visual journaling. I frequent her daily blog too which is jammed with inspiration and information. Violette is definitely an interesting person!

    Peace Giggles

  7. Violette's blog is my go-to place that makes me smile and ponder and create. Love the interview!

  8. Jordan Miller StubbendickApril 3, 2010 at 11:52 AM

    Violette, thank you for your inspiring words! I love that you have become/are becoming your own authentic self, and that you express that through your life choices and your gorgeous artwork!

  9. And the winners are.....




    Congrats! Please email me your contact info: emily.carson@gmail.com

  10. Thanks so much for taking the time to interview me! It was my pleasure. Also thanks to everyone for posting a message.

    Congrats to Nakus and Jordan! Did you give your snail mail addresses to Emily?

    Love, Violette xo

  11. I just recently discovered Violette myself and I must say, her creativity, which she shares so freely on her blog, has really inspired me to continue on a new-to-me path of creativity I have recently discovered. Or is that REdiscovered? Thank you for the sweet interview. Sark and Joseph Campbell are two of my inspirations as well.

  12. I feel most comfortable when I am creating in my home or in the backyard studio. I usually create alone. I am also comfortable walking out in nature - far from the maddening crowd! I'm a pretty sensitive person and need quite a bit of solitude in order to create and be happy. Having said that I also really enjoy spending quiet time with my boyfriend Graham. He's building two kayaks so I'm looking forward to getting out on the kayaks soon!
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