The last 24 hours held a variety of important life lessons. Aunt Julie's funeral went well today. Thank you for your prayers and your support. Here are a few lessons I've learned in the last day.
1. Ani DiFranco's music still heals my heart.
2. I believe in miracles. Again.
3. "Sad dialing" is probably as emotionally dangerous as "drunk dialing" so be careful about using your phone in the midst of a sob-fest. You might not call the best people in the midst of all the h20 falling from your eyeballs.
4. Families are pretty amazing, even if they're kooky and unique. Aren't all families kooky and unique?
5. God works mysteriously. But no matter how mysterious, I feel quite sure God is, indeed, working.
Love you all. Smooch and hugs and all the rest.
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