Something I’m discovering: In life, we’ve got to hold on tightly to the great days. In all jobs and in all of life, there are challenging days. Whether we’re home with adorable kids all day or working at a restaurant or shelving books at a library, there are moments when we think to ourselves, “What on earth am I doing here?” And “Did I make the wrong decision? Is my life all that it should be?”
Ministry is no exception: there are bizarro, frustrating days. There are days when I wonder if God was paying attention when I ended up here. There are moments when I think to myself, rather selfishly, “I wish I could just have a normal life and friends and a husband.”
And then, in all of our various vocations, there are great days! There are days like today; days when I got to be present with 26 high school students on their Confirmation Day. The wonderful group of 10th graders stood in front of the congregation this morning and committed to continuing on in their journey of faith. It was magnificent. They had big smiling faces, radiant with the knowledge that God loved them and promised to be with them always. I thought to myself, “This is it! This is what it’s about! This is why I love ministry. People exploring faith and God and relationships! Rejoice, rejoice!”
I want to wrap my arms around today, give it a big hug, and staple it to my heart. If only we all could keep our great days cemented deep into the fibers of our beings, huh? So that’s my challenge to you for the days ahead: great things are going to happen to you this week! I know it! And when they do, give them a big squeeze and glue them to your beautiful heart. Remember the great days. Let’s all remember the moments of splendor happening in our midst.
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