
If Found, Please Return: My Trust

JKM Library Book Return: 4.26.09

This weekend the seminary senior class members headed out to suburbia for a conference on stewardship. It was a very terrific time. As is often the case with retreats and conferences, the highlight of the weekend wasn't necessarily its content (although the content was great), it was the people. We laughed, we ate, we learned, we shared. Everyone's excitement increases each day as graduation draws near. For years, the idea of graduating from seminary has existed for me like a distant, almost impossibility. And now here it is. 3 weeks away. I'm trying to act like I'm really excited about graduation; I mean, I am. Sort of. I'm scared. Actually, that is a complete understatement. I am fully petrified.

Today I realized why I'm so afraid. It's because I have no idea what's coming next. Have you felt this way lately? Uncertainties looming all around. Ulcers forming. Palms growing ever more clammy. In my case, this is totally an issue of trust. I am afraid because all-too-often, I forget to trust that God hasn't left my side. If I could just remember that God is still here, I'd be feeling alright. In fact, I think I'd be feeling brave! I don't need God to spell out any specific plans or express exactly what my future holds. I'm not convinced God is into that approach. Instead, I just need to remind myself that the One who knows me best is here. God hasn't left. And the Author of our lives promises to stick around for the long run.

Friends, I know we each experience life and faith uniquely. But I think there's a life breathing activity that would be extra helpful in the week ahead for all of us: trusting. Whether it's taking a step out of your comfort zone and trusting that God really is with you at this very moment, or possibly taking an even bigger risk and trusting your own truest self, now is the time. The moment has arrived. Trust.


  1. Thank you for this, Emily.

    You know, it would make an excellent first page of The Door for tomorrow . . . please?

  2. I agree with Maggie!!!

    Also, love this:
    "the One who knows me best is here"

    Did you realize you said "HERE" instead of somewhere else? That's big...


  3. Thank you for this, Emily.

    You know, it would make an excellent first page of The Door for tomorrow . . . please?
