
COVID-19 Resources

Dear Ones,

What a month it has been. I'm working on pulling together a variety of resources related to navigating COVID-19 spiritually, physically and professionally. I'll keep adding to these lists.

Grace and peace,

Post-Bulletin "Holy Everything" Columns Related to Pandemic:
  • Be graceful with yourself in uncertain times (link
  • What it means to be a good neighbor (link
Spiritual and Meditation Resources:
  • Blessing in the Chaos by Jan Richardson (link
  • Praise Song for the Pandemic by Christine Valters Paintner (link
  • Resources from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (link
  • Sylvia Boorstein’s Lovingkindness Meditation (link
  • Tara Brach resources (link
  • Resources from "Spirituality and Practice" (link
  • Resource list from the Rochester Meditation Center (link
  • A Litany for Lament (link
  • Fear meditation from Ram Dass (link
  • Three Tips from a Therapist for Calming Your Coronavirus Anxiety (link
  • Leonie Dawson's Quarantine Planner (link
Congregational Leadership and Stewardship-Related Resources:
  • Great resources from SW MN Synod (link
  • Resources from ALDE (link
  • Leadership in the Time of Corona by Joan Garry (link
  • Financial-related resources from the Saint Paul Area Synod (link
For Fun: 
  • Public domain coloring book (link
  • The Cornell Lab birding guide (link
Exercise and Wellness:
  • Core Power Yoga (link

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