
August Newsletter

Below is a link to the contents of my summer newsletter; to get add to the mailing list and receive the newsletter in your email inbox, visit http://www.emilyannecarson.com and click the "Join my newsletter list" button. 

Summer greetings to you! I hope you're in the midst of a life-giving summer with a good mix of adventure and restoration. Today I wanted to share a few life updates with you that have taken place over the past year!

First off, I launched a book into the universe with the help of 9 Foot Voice, and I'm so very elated! Thanks to everyone who has purchased the book; your support fills my heart with gratitude!

I have a 4-minute request for everyone who has read/is reading "Holy Everything." Please leave an Amazon review! This is the most effective way to get the book into more hands. Anyone can leave an Amazon review of the book regardless of how you ordered it. Here's the link to do so. My goal is to reach 50 reviews in the next 10 days. We're currently at 7 reviews. I think we can do it, friends! If you prefer to go to the "Holy Everything" Amazon page, you can also write a customer review that way; here's an image explaining how. Thank you for leaving a review and getting this book into more hands!

There are a few ways to order the book:
  1. Order directly from me if you'd like a personalized copy mailed to your home or congregation. The cost is $19.20 ($15.95/book + $2.75/shipping+envelope). I'll send it to you through the mail: Contact me directly through email to select this option; you'll use this link for payment and then email me your preferred physical mailing address. There's a reduced shipping rate if you order more than one copy.
  2. Order through Amazon (where it's available in print and digital formats): Holy Everything
  3. Order through Barnes and Noble (where it's also available in print and digital formats): Holy Everything
Speaking of Barnes and Noble, I'm excited to do a book signing there on Saturday, October 5 from 1-2PM. I'll be at the Barnes and Noble at Apache Mall in Rochester. Please come! You can purchase the book there or you can bring your previously purchased copy. I'm excited to see you and connect.

There are many ways to utilize the book! My pal, Alex, said he enjoyed reading it straight through. Another friend, Kathy, is using it as her daily devotional in the morning. One of the congregations in Rochester, MN is purchasing 12 copies and using it with one of their weekly small groups throughout the year ahead. You could also read it as a monthly book group selection.

I'm currently in the midst of creating a free downloadable discussion guide with 2-3 questions for each essay to help you facilitate conversation. It will be available as a printable PDF by early September. If you're interested in receiving the discussion guide in your inbox, please email me, and I'll send it to you as soon as it's ready.

Another book update: I'm currently recording the audiobook version! It will be available in the next couple months.

Family updates: Justin and Finn, our dog, are both doing great! We've had a good summer making space for gardening and adventures in the midst of our working lives. We've also done some bike rides and long hikes. We especially enjoyed a weekend in Clear Lake, IA with family, a trip to the Ozarks with family and a few days just west of Grand Marais on Devils Track Lake with Finn. It was so quiet and beautiful there, and we hiked to the top of Eagle Mountain! Here's a photo of Justin and me from the official book launch party at Zumbro Lutheran Church in late July. He is an outstanding partner, and his support throughout the ups and downs and in-betweens of 2019 has meant the world to me!

A vocational transition for me: I'm shifting from my role as the Southeastern Minnesota Synod Director of Communications into a new position as Interim Assistant to the Bishop effective September 1. Over the past year, the synod participated in the process of calling our next bishop. At the end of the 2019 Southeastern Minnesota Synod Assembly on June 1, the synod called Rev. Regina Hassanally as our new bishop, and her term starts September 1. Bishop Steven Delzer will conclude his 6-year term as bishop on August 31. It has been a joy to serve on the current staff, and I'm thrilled to serve under the leadership of our new Bishop-Elect Hassanally! My new position will involve candidacy, congregational life, call process and mission support.

I continue to write a weekly column for the Rochester Post-Bulletin every Saturday. I also maintain a Facebook writer's page that I'd love for you to "like." Here's that link. 

Let's hang out: I rejoice in opportunities to do speaking engagements and facilitate workshops for businesses and congregations. My focus areas for workshops include any of the following 1) effective interpersonal communications, 2) incorporating spiritual practices into daily life, 3) an exploration of the book "Holy Everything," 4) building resilience personally and professionally and 5) building adult friendships. Please email me directly if you're interested in having me come to your congregation or workplace, and I'll share more details about how and when we can make that happen.

Please stay tuned next month for more resources and reflections. Thank you for your friendship and support. If you know someone who would like to be added to this email mailing list, have them visit this link and click the "Join my email list" button. Thanks!

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