
Post-Bulletin Column Series: Lent 2019

Easter Monday greetings to you! I hope that you had a peaceful, joyful, radiant weekend. Justin and I were down in Iowa to celebrate Easter, and it was great. The photo above was taken by my 4-year-old niece, Sophia. Nancy and Jerry, my in-laws, planted some garlic last week, and Sophia captured this photo of the garlic peeking through. Resurrection! 

Each year throughout Lent, I focus my weekly Post-Bulletin column on a particular theme. I pitched a new idea to my editor, Jeff, for 2019. "What if I write each week from the perspective of a different person who encountered Jesus in the gospels?" Jeff gave the go-ahead, and I was excited! Writing creatively in this way was totally new territory for me, and I underestimated how much I would love it. Lent 2019 was one of my favorite Lenten seasons, and that was in part because each week I got the opportunity to encounter the story of Jesus' life, death and resurrection from a new perspective as I prepared to write the column. The other reason Lent was so great was because I got to be a mentor for an awesome middle schooler on Wednesday nights through Zumbro Lutheran. 

Below are the links to each of the "Holy Everything" columns of Lent. Feel free to use them however you'd like - as devotional material or perhaps in your congregational context. A word of background: I took a lot of creative liberties in these portrayals. Parts are certainly drawn from the biblical descriptions of each person, but I also did plenty of research on cultural norms and historical references from other sources. I hope you enjoy!

(Please note: If you are not a Post-Bulletin subscriber, I believe you get 4 clicks per month per browser. Consider becoming a subscriber. It's $16/month for the paper version, and $10/month for online online. As a columnist I don't get a discount, but we do subscribe nevertheless. Journalism matters to democracy, and I really don't want it to die; subscribing to a few papers is one way to support journalism and reporters.) 

Post-Bulletin Column Links: 

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