
Oh blast

Son of a platelet.
You're not going to believe it. 

Oh wait. Yes you will. :) 

I'm currently getting a precious 6-hour IVIG infusion because my count has continued to decline. 

How do I feel about this development?
Not particularly surprised. Not particularly enthused. 

I now refer to the Infusion Therapy Center as my "off-site" office. 

I really want the weekly NPlate shot to work. And as the dose continues to be raised, it might. But it's made of basically the same stuff as the oral medication that stopped working at some point in the past year. So I wouldn't say I had especially high expectations. 

Sometimes I just feel like my body is how it is. It just likes to protect me in a very fervant, slightly misdirected way by eating all my mismarked platelets. I have been doing research on people who just opt to live at really low counts like mine. There really are people who do that. Who decide to live with that level of risk. I am not sure that decision is for me. But it might be. I will continue to pray. Seek good guidance. And weigh the pros and cons of all paths. 

A few things that are making this afternoon better:
*new unicorn shirt
*ample texts from friends
*the discovery of the Pandora station "R&B Love Songs Radio"
*the promise of Nelson Creamery ice cream in a couple hours 
*the promise a post-infusion smoothie with Anna
*the promise of a lunchtime visit from mi mama
*time to get some work done on the upcoming Fall Theological Conference
*time to write and reflect
*nice nurses
*the familiarity of it all...a blessing and a curse...but at least it isn't scary in the way it once was