
Praying for our sisters in Nigeria

This article from The Washington Post provides some helpful background on the kidnapping and current state of affairs in Nigeria. This article from The New York Times is good, too. It tells the story of some of the girls who escaped. 

Sometimes I have to pause and remind myself that this is a real situation. This is not just a far-off, distant "news story" (and one that is quickly fading into the background). 

It's real people. Real families. Real mothers who cannot eat or sleep. Real fathers who plead for someone, somewhere to help. Real brothers who are afraid to go to school. Real girls - bright, creative, courageous girls - who are stuck somewhere...wondering if anyone will come and find them. Wondering if anyone cares.

It's unimaginable. Or is it? 

Perhaps we can imagine it. At least in part. We can imagine be young and scared. We can imagine being separated from a sense of security. We can imagine crying out of fear of what the future will bring. 

And it horrifies us. 

So we think about the Solange and JayZ family feud instead. 

At least I do. I look away. 

But I don't want to tune it out - or look away. Jesus doesn't call us to look away. He calls us to care. To be his hands and feet. To help.  

A prayer:

Sometimes we are tempted to turn away from reality. We are tempted to fill our hearts and minds with an endless supply of distractions. 

Turn is again to you - to Nigeria - to every daughter, brother, mother, father, and friend impacted by this kidnapping. We pray for the return - the safe return - of every young woman who has been taken. 
We also pray for an awakening - for courage to see - to truly see that this kidnapping is not an isolated, stand-alone issue. That is a symptom of a broken world - a world that does not equally value all of its inhabitants.
May our prayers move us to action - real action. May our prayers never been separated from real, concrete action. May our prayers never be an excuse to move on to the next agenda item. Move us toward real choices that impact change. Guide our thoughts - form them to be brave thoughts - that bring your truths into our consciousness. Do not let us turn away. 

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