
Sunrise: This Week's Post-Bulletin Column

Each week I write a column for the Rochester Post-Bulletin. It's published on Wednesdays. This month I celebrate my 2-year anniversary with the PB. The column writing experience has been a total blast. I am endlessly, ceaselessly thankful for the opportunity. And I received word this week that "The Lady Pastor" will now be published each week in AgriNews, too.

In the past, I have sometimes shared a link to the column here on the blog but not on any predictable basis. Now, in this new weekly blog feature, I'll share a link to the column as well as some background and bonus information/photos.  I hope you'll enjoy.

One day last week I woke up early to watch a sunrise. It was refreshing, centering, and peaceful. I felt like a new woman and vowed to watch the sunrise at least once a week. I'm still working on the "implementation phase" of that goal.

If you'd like, please take a moment and read this week's column about the experience: Early Morning is Time to Rise and Shine. It's my final entry in the SMART (Summer Mini Adventure Road Trip) series.

Here are some photos from that particular sunrise last week. It was incredibly beautiful.

Reflection prompt for those who would like to leave comments: 
-Share about a sunrise you'll remember forever. 

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