
A Movie, A Book, and A Song

It's Saturday and the snow is melting.  Beautiful.

Have you seen 42 yet?  The movie about Jackie Robinson?
My mom and I went today.
I recommend it extremely highly.
Just go.
Powerful. Moving. Profound.
And true.

I finished up Thirty Rooms to Hide In by Luke Longstreet Sullivan.  Look at all those positive reviews on Amazon!  It is a well-written book.  But painful to read.  It's the true story of a family in the 1960s living in Rochester, MN.  The father was a very well-respected physician at the clinic. But he was also an alcoholic.  There are 6 sons in the story, and a brave wife named Myra.  You can follow the author on Twitter, too!

And a song.  I love this one. It's an oldie by John Mayer.  Clarity! I'd forgotten about it until I heard someone playing it in Rochester at the Redwood Room last night.  

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