This morning, I've already had a few important attitude adjustments.
Initially, the moments that precipitated these adjustments seemed like annoyances. And then, I stopped long enough to realize they were the kingdom of God in my midst.
On my way home from working out this morning, I ended up behind a school bus. It had quite a few stops on my road. At first, I thought, "Oh, if only I had gotten home a little quicker, I wouldn't be stuck behind this bus." Then I thought, "EMILY! Slow down! Pray for the kids, the parents, the driver. Or just sit quietly and give thanks for a new day." I had a much needed attitude adjustment.

Then I realized I needed to pay my monthly bill to the hospital. For the next couple years, I'll continue paying off all those lovely IVIG infusions I had over a 2-year span. At first, I thought, "If only I didn't have to make these payments every month, I could be putting the money toward my student loans." Then I thought, "EMILY! Slow down! Say thanks for the hospital, thanks for your nurses, thanks for the medicine that allowed you to have platelets, thanks that you don't have to have infusions anymore, and thanks for money to pay the bill." I had a much needed attitude adjustment.

Last stop: time to choose clothes for the day. I had been avoiding one particular blue shirt for a long while because it really needed to be ironed. At first, I thought, "If only that shirt didn't have all those wrinkles, I could wear it more often! Why does it get so many wrinkles?" Then I thought, "EMILY! Slow down! Iron the shirt so you can wear it. Enjoy those few moments and move on with the day." I had a much needed attitude adjustment.
Thank you, God, for attitude adjustments.
Love this! It's how you approach life. It's the same situation regardless, but you give great reminders of how enjoy what's in front of you and expend energy on really important things.