
Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful this week!  Lots to celebrate!

-Road trips
-A great walk with Kaitlin and Owen
-Laughing and sharing the 8 o'clock hour with Anna
-Lunch with Jason
-Quality time with Joy, Jake, and Axel
-That no matter the miles or the time that passes, a friend is a friend forever
-Books on CD
-Excitement for the coming days & more friend time
-Delicious pizza
-The 1 year anniversary of my column in the Post-Bulletin
-Today is my ordination anniversary!
-Hilarious friends and their amazing use of Twitter
-A super duper amazing fun wedding and reception last weekend
-Grocery shopping
-Friday's "relax" pics for Word of the Week
I would love to hear what's on your list.
What are you grateful for? 


  1. - new opportunities at church

    - adventures

    - hearing smart, compassionate words from my kids

    - friends and laughter

    - a blue moon

    - writing and reading pieces that make me marvel, laugh

    - reflection

    - music

  2. Happy ordination anniversary!

    A few more things in addition to what I put on my blog:

    * the kid's newfound love of tree climbing
    * the fact that none of the trees in our yard are very large (whew)
    * LOTS of fresh tomatoes
