
Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for:
-Spam museum adventure
-mashed potatoes
-a great text from my brother
-watching Portlandia with Mumz
-photography (send your "we" pics today!)

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. We missed seeing your bright & smiling face last night! Hope you are on the mend and feeling better!!! Love and prayers for you!

  2. • Prayer during Lent

    • Road trips to new places.

    • Being able to help a friend

    • The food delights of the Hy-Vee deli.

    • Anticipating my parents' arrival for a visit in one week

    • Watching my kids find new books that captivate them.

    • John O'Donohue's "To Bless the Space Between Us."

  3. So much! For example:

    --A bathroom faucet that is no longer leaking hot water.
    --A daughter who sings about Jesus and Mother Goose in the same breath.
    --A husband who shovels snow.
    --Lenten Wednesdays: food, fellowship, Holden Evening Prayer
    --This Lenten Thursday, where there are Lenten leftovers for lunch.
    --Old friends and new friends.
