
The Divine in Human Form

Today's Photo: "Sunshine & Life"

I’m still working my way through Barbara Brown Taylor’s book “An Altar in the World.” Chapter 7 is The Practice of Living with Purpose. The premise of this chapter is that we can experience holiness wherever we are, and with whatever we’re doing. She begins the chapter with this quote:

“Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something.” - Henry David Thoreau

Taylor goes on describe the many different kinds of jobs she’s had over the years. She said there was a time in which she longed for God to tell her exactly what to do with her life. Instead, God told her, “Do anything that pleases you, and belong to me.” In speaking about her various jobs, she writes:

“Every one of them offered me the chance to recognize the divine in human form, inviting me out of myself long enough to engage someone whose fears, wants, loves, and needs were at least as important as my own. Of course, they also gave me opportunity to act like a jerk, missing my purpose by a mile. Yet even this turned out to be helpful, since recognizing my jerkdom is how I remember that is not who I want to be.”

Lovely, huh? I hope that you are able to recognize “the divine in human form” today. God is here and there and everywhere.

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